The Team: The Homeowner, Contractor, and Kitchen Design Center

An invaluable general contractor will have experience with a wide variety of projects. Experience is undoubtedly beneficial to a homeowner. Varied experience is precious. The experienced general contractor is even more valuable to the homeowner if they also have plenty of experience with kitchens.
However, a general contractor will rarely have experience in kitchen design details. That is where a kitchen design center – working with the homeowner and the general contractor – provides exceptional value.
A homeowner who desires to renovate an old kitchen will gain much by working with a kitchen design specialist. These experts in kitchen design will have in-depth knowledge of cabinets, appliances, flooring, and tile. A kitchen design specialist will attend classes and seminars conducted by appliance vendors to learn about the latest in kitchen technology and convenience for the homeowner.
A homeowner will appreciate working with a contractor who has a project-enhancing relationship with a design center that will help to increase and improve the value to the homeowner. Teams consistently outperform individuals. A kitchen remodeling project with a team approach that includes the homeowner at the center, a general contractor, and kitchen design experts supporting each other is a team designed for success.
Read the full post at the Delmarva Design Center. It highlights how combining a general contractor and a kitchen design center provides the best value to the homeowner for a major kitchen remodeling project.
The blog is titled: Kitchen Remodeling and Renovation